Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 4: So much to do, so little time!

Alright, I think I set myself up for epic failure this week by overscheduling a 3-day work week. As a rule, since Robert works 10-hour days and we don't get to see him that much during the week, Friday through Sunday is sacred family time. I try to get everything done during the work week so we can have uninterrupted and unencumbered fun on the weekends. So this week I will have only 3 days to get my stuff done instead of the usual 4. And this week was a hard week to begin with, so now it will be impossible to get everything done. However, keeping my 12-week goal in mind, maybe I can adjust the time frames a bit for the other rooms later. I'm still going to put everything on the list for this week regardless.

In the kitchen, I am going to clean the window well (from last week) and organize and contact-paper the spice cabinet. I have an idea for the spice cabinet that should be inexpensive if not free, and it will look fantastic. Details to come.

Our kitchen has this little alcove which, way back in 1934 when the house was built, was intended for a laundry room. It currently houses my stove and refrigerator, an inaccessible cabinet and sink, our toaster oven, a shelf for small appliances (I think that shelf was designed for a microwave ... Obviously not original to the house), and a couple of upper cabinets.There's also a door which I never use but Robert's mom likes to open it to let the flies in keep the kitchen cool when she cooks. So my plan is to wash all the walls, the door, and the ceiling, clean underneath the stove and fridge, clean the coils on the fridge, clean, organize, and re-contact-paper the cabinets, deep clean the stove and fridge, and deep clean the toaster oven. Oh, and clean and organize our plastic recycling area. And clean the trash can. And the dog's bowl. And I'm sure I'm forgetting something. And I'm positive this is NOT getting done in three days. I think I can make up some next week, but I shall do my best to finish the alcove of doom this week.

The other goal for the week will be to not eat any processed sugar. I try to do a sugar-fast for one week every month, so this will be it. Fruit, of course, doesn't count.

My monthly goals of cooking and keeping my head on straight will be challenging with a short week, but by God's grace, I can so handle this!

Quarterly goals are still on track, though spring cleaning is falling dangerously behind. The Bible readings are going quite well, though. Such amazing stories!

And so begins the blessing and the curse of the short week. Today we are celebrating a birthday in Loma Linda, and tomorrow will hopefully be a lovely beach day.

As my choir professor at Union used to say: Gird your loins, folks, this is gonna be tough!

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