So Tuesday afternoon's "nap," if you can even call it that, lasted all of fifteen minutes. So, I made an executive decision, which I of course discussed with hubby and MIL first, that we would start the intentional transition from two naps to one. So yesterday I let Karlina play until 10:50 or so before we started her pre-nap routine. Then, after Bible story, lullabies, crib time, and a little Ergo cuddle time, she went to sleep at 11:15. She stayed asleep until 12:55. Good, solid nap. She stayed awake pretty much the whole afternoon, with a brief fifteen-minute nap while nursing. Then, last night she went down in her crib at about 8:15 and didn't wake AT ALL until 5:45! And I now have a new project looming: Black-out curtains.
This 5:30-ish wake-up time is new, but it's been three days in a row (of course, now that I typed that she'll go back to waking at 4:00 ... {sure enough, I started writing this yesterday, and today she woke at 4:50. Oh well}). One nap per day is a goal we're striving towards, but so far it hasn't happened yet. She always wants to take a little cat nap during the afternoon nursing session. I'm letting her sleep for a few minutes, but then I'll play a video on my phone or walk around, just so she doesn't mess up the night time sleep.
Anyway, I feel much more human after a few days' worth of sleeping through the night. However, now that we're working towards one nap, I am in desperate need of time to clean. I really just want to play and read with my daughter all day, but I really can't let cleaning go, especially the floors since she's still crawling. I'm managing to vacuum every day, but weekly dusting, mopping, and bathroom cleaning have not been consistent at all. I just don't get how such a small house can require this much work! I'm not complaining, really, just wondering. And so, this parenthood thing is really just an evolving animal, I'm coming to find out. I think I have everything figured out, I get into a groove, and then everything changes. Bring on those curveballs, Life. I'm ready for whatever you got. house
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