Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 3: ¡Ya se armo!

You know the beer commercial that says "Here we go!" Well, on Spanish TV they say "¡Ya se armo!"


We are heading back from the beach where we saw a couple of sea lions, many pelicans, and a Great Dane, much to K's squealing delight. Alas, now we are returning to reality, and the giant list of to-do's waiting for us in the Money Pit.

Weekly Goals: January 14-18

1. This week I'll be finishing up the far wall in the kitchen. My goal are to clean and organize four drawers and two cabinets, clean the wall and window, and scrub the window well, which I have never done since I moved here. Yuck.

2. Stop blaming everybody else for my issues. This is a huge part of my anger problem that leads to head explosion. I think I forsee a post topic here, so I won't elaborate in this post.

Monthly goals: January

1. Cook every day. I have my menus all planned for the week. And there's another post topic! Yay, and I was afraid of writer's block. Also, one new recipe this month: Done! We had gluten-free vegan pancakes this morning! K loved them so much she overate this morning.Here's the recipe.

2. Keep my head on straight. Had some shaky near-meltdowns this weekend, but I did not let my temper get to head-explosion levels. Neither of those was because of baby sleep or lack thereof, by the way.

Quarterly Goals: January - March

1. Read the entire Bible. Still on track.

2. Spring Cleaning. On track but would like to move a bit faster in the kitchen, there's still a LOT to do, and only three weeks left.

By the way, Robert fixed the leaks under the cabinet. Apparently there's a really bad video on about teflon taping. Apparently we should have done more research. And apparently you can't believe everything you see on the internet.

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