Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 5 Sum-up: Whew!

Oh, man, this was supposed to be my last week in the kitchen for this cleaning project, but it looks like I may be there for another week, SOOOOO ... here's what I did.

The refrigerator is scrubbed inside and out, coils are clean, and the freezer is a little more organized. The walls behind the refrigerator are scrubbed, as well as the floor under the fridge and the ceiling in the alcove of doom. I also tackled the small appliance shelf and the inaccessible and useless sink in the corner as well as the cabinet underneath that sink, where we keep our gallon jugs of water. Today I'm hoping to clean and organize the cabinet above the inaccessible sink and contact-paper it. I also hope I can get Robert to help out a bit by cleaning the toaster oven. I still have to deep-clean the oven and clean behind and underneath it, and clean the vent hood and the cabinet above the vent hood. Ugh, why is this taking so long?

My sugar fast failed again. Yes, I ate three cookies and two Luna bars this week. No I do not feel guilty. Try again next month.

January is over! Yay for one whole month without head explosion! And boo for not cooking every day!

Goals for February:

1. Finish one craft project.

2. Cook one new recipe. Robert asked for a cake for Valentines Day. This should be fun.

3. Call one family member each day. Because I MEEEES them!

My quarterly goal of Bible reading is still on track. I started 1 Samuel this morning. Time-wise, I'm in mid-April. Also, in the New Testament, I'm almost to the end of the Gospels. Hard to read about the crucifixion, but necessary, no?

And Spring Cleaning. Hopelessly behind but I am not giving up! This house WILL be clean and organized! Seven weeks to go!

I've been having strange, vivid dreams lately. Twice in the last two weeks I've woken up and deeply regretted decisions I've made for several hours. My dreams are almost like "This is what would have happened if you had chosen differently." And it's so hard to face the consequences and guilt of those decisions, but I can't go back and change them. So I just have to move on and hope that next time I will listen to my conscience instead of justifying my rebellion. Ugh, why am I so stupid sometimes? Why didn't someone just shake me and slap me in the face? Then I remember that a lot of people did. I just didn't want to listen.

And so starts the weekend. Today is passport day for Karlina. And today I will renew mine as well. I can't believe it's been 10 years since our college band tour to the UK! I am officially old.

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