Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sleep ... Oh, how I miss you

I haven't slept since about 2 this morning, when my daughter briefly woke up and didn't want to go right back to sleep like she usually does. I held and rocked her for about 10 minutes before I was able to put her down without her popping right back up again. After that, though, I didn't sleep well. I'd drop off, then feel uncomfortable, then start thinking about something else, then drop off again and then K would wake up squirming and crying a bit before going back to sleep again, then I'd have to pee, and on and on. At about 5:30, she woke again to eat, but I didn't want her to be up for the day yet (ha!) and there was already light filtering in the front windows, so I brought her to bed with me. Which is really stupid of me, because I know she can't eat laying down without getting all filled up with burps. So she squirmed and we switched sides, and she squirmed some more and stood up and asked to get down to play. Ugh. Okay, kid, you play, I'll sleep. This lasted for maybe twenty minutes before she was ready to go back to sleep. So I nursed her in bed again (Really? Brain, you are not doing your best work today ...) This time she napped while sucking, but I was sore from typical early-morning-nursing-baby-yoga, so I couldn't get back to sleep. Yay. And here we are, 2:20 in the afternoon, she's been trying to go down for a nap for 50 minutes now and I just can't put her down on the bed without her crying. This does not bode well for my to-do list for today. Okay, here we go, gonna try again to put her down. Wish me luck.

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