Okay, so I know it's lame to start a blog when your kid is already 9 months old. I should have started this blog when I got pregnant. Or at least before she was a month old. Oh well.
I hesitate to say it because as soon as this gets published it will all change, but K has been sleeping so well this month. Her naps are pretty consistently an hour or more, twice a day, and she hardly ever cries before going to sleep. If she does get upset and starts scratching her ear or her face, I just put her on my back in the Ergo and within minutes she's asleep. Then it's just a matter of lowering her slowly enough to the bed so she doesn't wake up. I'm usually able to put her in her crib asleep every evening after she nurses. I sleep in her room during the week, and Robert sleeps there once or twice on the weekends. I think she would probably be just fine by herself at night now, but man, we miss her at night! (Of course, Monday night was horrible. I knew if I said anything ... Urgh.)
She's a very happy baby about 90% of the time. She is starting to get a little shy around anyone but Mommy or Daddy, and sometimes she only wants Mommy. She does wave and say hi to anyone we see, including birds, dogs, squirrels. She especially loves to watch kids playing and has a fascination with her reflection. When we take her picture, she wants to see the picture immediately, and she usually squeals a bit.
She loves to hug her new baby doll and kangaroo, both Christmas gifts. She still hasn't figured out that she can jump in the jumperoo, but she likes the toys and likes to practice taking steps. She pulled up from sitting to standing by herself on Sunday night, so it's probably not too long before she's mobile. She also has been rocking forward while sitting and occasionally ends up on her tummy, but she can't quite figure out how to get her knees underneath her to crawl yet. She sure wants to, but she usually just ends up rolling over to her back.
She LOVES to eat. She has scarfed down almost everything we've given her. Avocado is the only thing she hasn't been too excited with, but it's been a while since we offered it, so we may offer it again this week.
Her 9-month checkup is Friday, and we will see how much she weighs now. She has always been in the 15th or lower percentile for weight, about the 25th for height, and 50th for head circumference. Now that she is eating solids, though, she has definitely bulked up.
New this month:
Saying papa, mama, Baba, v-sound, r-sound, and a weird back of the throat gurgle that sounds like a k or maybe a Donald Duck impersonation.
Signing milk
Shaking head no
Pincer grasp
Throwing a ball
Pulling up to standing on her own
Brushing her gums
All food, especially Cheerios which she swallows whole
Ripping and eating paper
Walking with assistance
Playing fetch with Pippin
Singing and Mommy's guitar
Reading Bible stories
Looking at pictures
Talking on the phone
Seeing Mommy walk away
Having toys or paper taken away
Stats: Coming soon
Your little girl is precious Patty :)