This short week went as predicted. I epically failed to finish my huge to-do list. I did get some stuff done, in spite of a sicky-sick baby and a getting-sick Mommy and only two days to tackle said list. (Tuesday was spent cleaning the house and doing laundry.)
I vacuumed out the window well yesterday, but I did not scrub it for two reasons: 1) It's supposed to rain for the next three days, and 2) The paint is chipping so badly I'm afraid to make it worse by scrubbing. It needs to be painted after a good scrape and sand, but that will have to wait for another day.
The alcove of doom is so challenging since everything is crammed back in there. It was so filthy, though, from years of frying Mexican food. I cleaned two walls and the fly door, and two sides of the outside of the refrigerator. I threw away most of the magnets and junk we had stuck to the front, and now we have a very few photos of family displayed. And the sunset calendar ... Couldn't be an Adventist without the sunset calendar.
I still have the other side of the fridge and the wall beside it to finish scrubbing, and I need to organize the recycling area beside it. Then I need to tackle the INSIDE of the fridge, vacuum the coils, and clean underneath and behind it. Since it's raining and my baby still isn't up to par, I may be able to finish this much today. Then there's a whole lot more to finish next week. I should have more time next week, though, so here's hoping. It's my last allotted week in the kitchen before I need to move on to the back half of the house.
My favorite project of the week was the spice cabinet. Last week I was bummed that I couldn't afford matchy-matchy spice containers. But then ... Pinterest. There are so many cheap ideas there. My spice cabinet may not be fancy, but uniformity covers a multitude of sins.
I saw this idea for little plastic containers to house spices. I already had a bunch of those little containers sitting in the back of a cabinet. I use them to freeze lemon juice, to store baby food, and I actually already had two in my spice cabinet, but they didn't look so great because they were labelled with masking tape. The containers are cheap, I can't remember how much because it's been a few years, but at Smart n Final, you can buy 50 of them, plus lids, for under $10.
Then, I needed to have pretty labels. I didn't have any that would fit, but I did have some Martha Stewart labels that look fine cut in half. Then it was just a matter of transferring spices and recycling all those unmatched jars and boxes. I then organized them according to function (dessert spices, Mexican spices, broths and mixes, and cooking spices). I still have a few more to put in containers because I ran out of lids and didn't want to walk to Smart n Final in the rain with a feverish baby, but man, it looks so much better!
Sugar fast was more like a sugar binge this week. It all started with a birthday cake on Sunday, an Indian syrup ball on Monday, a milk shake on Tuesday, carob-coated peanuts on Wednesday, and cookies and Argentinian dulce de leche rolls yesterday. Ugh. Sugar fast next week?
Cooking was not so great this week with a crammed schedule and a sick baby. I cooked only one recipe this week. And now I have a refrigerator full of food that I need to cook by Monday. Ha!
Aside from my yard man incident on Wednesday, I didn't even get close to head explosion this week. It's becoming increasingly rare. However, I still can't let my guard down as things will be changing a bit this weekend. More on that later, maybe.
Spring cleaning is falling ever more behind and next week had better be awesome or there's no way I'll be able to finish by the end of March.
Bible reading is still going well. The ultimate goal with this Bible reading is to have a better character, and I know spending time in God's Word every day is making a huge difference already.
And now, the weekend! Sabbath becomes more and more of a delight the harder I work during the week. I likely won't be going to church on Sabbath due to sick baby and mommy, but rest and family time will be a huge blessing.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
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