Friday, January 18, 2013

Week 3 Sum-up: Losing steam

This week was a good week, and I'm  tired like I worked a lot, but I don't have much to show for it. I lined all the cabinets and drawers on one wall of cabinets with contact paper and each drawer is organized and purged of unnecessary or unwanted items, including our hand-me-down silverware. The picture is of the "new" hand-me-down silverware that all matches. It's lovely, slim, elegant, and simple. Just my style. Robert was complaining that the forks were too narrow for him to eat fast enough. Sigh. I also threw a bunch of old tupperware into the recycle bin, along with the lids. There are two pictures of that cabinet below, but I'm sure they're not in order, so you'll have to figure out which one is before and which is after. The contact paper looks good, but I chose a green contact paper with white designs inspired by Heather over at Golden Reflections, which looked much nicer in her lovely white cabinets. The green is pretty close to the awful minty-green we have on our cabinets, but not close enough to avoid clashing. So, I think I want white cabinets, whenever we get around to painting.

I cleaned the wall and windowsill yesterday, but the window well is still hideously dirty. Perhaps I can clean that out today, but Robert wants to go adventuring this morning, so I'm not sure it will happen today. I still need to clean and re-contact-paper the spice cabinet as well, but I feel like I need to go out and buy matchy-matchy spice containers, and that's just not in the budget right now, nor do I have time. So, it'll be clean, but it'll still look like a disorganized mess. Sad face.

My other weekly goal of not blaming others was pretty successful, I think. Writing about it helped a lot, and hopefully having it written down will help me remember this place I'm in right now next time the Crazy creeps back in.

I successfully cooked every day this week so far. And it was good food. We have a few leftovers, but all of them together will make one meal for Robert and I today. So I'll still need to cook for today and tomorrow. My one new recipe was gluten-free vegan pancakes. We saved some for K since she loved them so much and she's been lunching on them all week.

My head stayed very firmly in place this week. Again, I think writing about my anger helped so much. I feel so so happy this week, I could just bubble over. I won't, don't worry.

Bible reading is still going well. I just started Numbers this morning, and I'll be finishing up the readings for February tomorrow. I've been reading during our early-morning nursing sessions, and this week proved difficult to stay awake, especially through Leviticus, but I persevered and made it through by God's grace.

Spring cleaning is running a bit behind now, but hopefully I can he caught up before Monday. Monday starts the gross and hard part of the kitchen, so I'm expecting that to take all week.

And just like that 3 weeks are up! I'm looking forward to Sabbath rest, as I always do, and looking for another surge of motivation.

Enjoy the weekend!

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